Monday 30 November 2015

LO3 The Last of Us - Magazine Review

The Last of Us Game Review 10/10

This isn’t just a game you’re playing, it’s a way of life, and it’s a defining moment in the evolution of human kind. If you have played this game, well done your part of the master race and if not, what are you waiting for? This game has redefined the whole genre and dare I say it, the whole gaming platform itself. I would go as far as saying that Naughty Dog is ‘the’ best game developing company out there.  The game has many extraordinary aspects to it, but by far the best is the storyline. The storyline is essential to the gameplay and the story’s development; it allows you to truly connect with the characters and gives you an out of world experience. The Last of Us has completely reinvented the Action-adventure and survival horror genres.

20 years into a post-pandemic future, ridden of disease and treachery. Has the world given up? No they are still fighting, fighting for hope and freedom, led by the Fireflies, we, the protagonist are smuggling the last hope out of a city on full lock down. Good luck. You will travel all across a dystopian united states to deliver the cure and extract a vaccine. Oh did I mention that the cure is a 14 year old girl called Ellie, “mature beyond her years”, determined, selfless and a sharp shooter. Joel, a broken, closed off to the world around him. As most adults have been wiped out, Joel a survivor of the post-apocalyptic world, he has a clear view of the broken world before the change. Ellie and Joel are encountered by many friends and foes across their journey, acquiring new weapons and traits as they go.

This game has completely made Naughty Dog stand out and fight it out with the bigger rival companies, showing them whose boss. Compared to other games developed by the company, including Uncharted’s action packed story, The Last of Us has all aspects to be a perfect game; a heart gripping story, characters that the audience can connect with, beautiful scenery; some would say ruined by the mass amount of flesh eating infected, I say it adds to the atmosphere. The settings and scenery really helps to add to the immensely immersive narrative. Originally the game was produced for the PlayStation 3 system, but then was remastered for the PlayStation 4 system, not much had changed apart from the graphics being refined. This game would appeal to the target audience being fans of the genre and teenager, as it contains all the stylistic conventions of the genre and has a compelling narrative.

The only insult I could possibly aim at the game, which wouldn’t even shatter its impenetrable reputation; is that NPC’s in the game *cough* Ellie *cough* aimlessly run around, and literally requests piggybacks from cold blooded, psycho killers; making the element of stealth both a challenge and an ironic joke. The only other aspect I would critique is the fact that there aren’t many playable characters, apart from Ellie and Joel being the most memorable characters of all gaming history; it would be nice if they released a DLC for the game investing more of the story into characters such as Tess and Marlene. As Tess was killed off in somewhat of quick manner, leaving something of her character development to be desired, although she could be condescending and bossy at the best of times, it would be interesting to find out how she met Joel and delve into that story line. Talking about NPC’s Bill was a very memorable character remaining forever in my mind; he was downright rude, emotionless and shut off, a perfect representation of what everyone should be like in these circumstances. But I will always remember him for his warm embrace towards other people “Once upon a time, I had somebody that I cared about… It was a partner. Somebody I had to look after. And in this world, that sort of shits good for one thing; gettin’ you killed.” Did I mention he may or not be a violent sociopath.

The game overall is one of the best games I've played. I would heavily recommend this to anyone that has a console and opposable thumbs. Even if you've never played games before, pick this one up and have a go.

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